Oregon State Legislature links


Oregon State legislature link, copy link below and then paste into your web page. This will give you all kinds of information on what is going on and who is doing it.



Gov. John Kitzhaber (D) 
Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax 503-378-6827  .
State Legislature Links
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) Fax: 202-228-3997
Sen. Ron Wyden (D) Fax: 202-228-2717
Rep. David Wu (D-1) Fax: 202-225-9497
Rep. Greg Walden (R-2) Fax: 202-225-5774
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-3) Fax: 202-225-8941
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-4) Fax: 202-225-0032
Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-5) Fax: 202-225-5699


Here are e-mail links for each member of the current Legislature …

Oregon Senate

Herman Baertschiger (R-Grants Pass)  sen.hermanbaertschiger@state.or.us

Alan Bates (D-Ashland)  sen.alanbates@state.or.us

Lee Beyer (D-Eugene)  sen.leebeyer@state.or.us

Brian Boquist (R-Dallas)  sen.brianboquist@state.or.us

Ginny Burdick (D-Portland)  sen.ginnyburdick@state.or.us

Betsy Close (R-Albany)  sen.betsyclose@state.or.us

Peter Courtney (D-Salem)  sen.petercourtney@state.or.us

Richard Devlin (D-Tualatin)  sen.richarddevlin@state.or.us

Jackie Dingfelder (D-Portland)  sen.jackiedingfelder@state.or.us

Chris Edwards (D-Eugene)  sen.chrisedwards@state.or.us

Ted Ferrioli (R-John Day)  sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us

Larry George (R-Sherwood)  sen.larrygeorge@state.or.us

Fred Girod (R-Stayton)  sen.fredgirod@state.or.us

Bill Hansell (R-Athena)  sen.billhansell@state.or.us

Mark Hass (D-Beaverton)  sen.markhass@state.or.us

Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose)  sen.betsyjohnson@state.or.us

Tim Knopp (R-Bend)  sen.timknopp@state.or.us

Jeff Kruse (R-Roseburg)  sen.jeffkruse@state.or.us

Laurie Monnes Anderson (D-Gresham)  sen.lauriemonnesanderson@state.or.us

Rod Monroe (D-Portland)  sen.rodmonroe@state.or.us

Alan Olsen (R-Canby)  sen.alanolsen@state.or.us

Floyd Prozanski (D-Eugene)  sen.floydprozanski@state.or.us

Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay)  sen.arnieroblan@state.or.us

Diane Rosenbaum (D-Portland)  sen.dianerosenbaum@state.or.us

Chip Shields (D-Portland)  sen.chipshields@state.or.us

Bruce Starr (R-Aloha)  sen.brucestarr@state.or.us

Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (D-Portland)  sen.elizabethsteinerhayward@state.or.us

Chuck Thomsen (R-Welches)  sen.chuckthomsen@state.or.us

Doug Whitsett (R-Klamath Falls)  sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us

Jackie Winters (R-Salem)  sen.jackiewinters@state.or.us

Oregon House

Jules Bailey (D-Portland)  rep.julesbailey@state.or.us

Jeff Barker (D-Aloha)  rep.jeffbarker@state.or.us

Phil Barnhart (D-Eugene)  rep.philbarnhart@state.or.us

Brent Barton (D-Gladstone)  rep.brentbarton@state.or.us

Cliff Bentz (R-Ontario)  rep.cliffbentz@state.or.us

Vicki Berger (R-Salem)  rep.vickiberger@state.or.us

Deborah Boone (D-Seaside)  rep.deborahboone@state.or.us

Peter Buckley (D-Ashland)  rep.peterbuckley@state.or.us

Kevin Cameron (R-Salem)  rep.kevincameron@state.or.us

Brian Clem (D-Salem)  rep.brianclem@state.or.us

Jason Conger (R-Bend)  rep.jasonconger@state.or.us

John Davis (R-Wilsonville)  rep.johndavis@state.or.us

Michael Dembrow (D-Portland)  rep.michaeldembrow@state.or.us

Margaret Doherty (D-Tigard)  rep.margaretdoherty@state.or.us

Sal Esquivel (R-Medford)  rep.salesquivel@state.or.us

Shemia Fagan (D-Portland)  rep.shemiafagan@state.or.us

Lew Frederick (D-Portland)  rep.lewfrederick@state.or.us

Tim Freeman (R-Roseburg)  rep.timfreeman@state.or.us

Joe Gallegos (D-Hillsboro)  rep.joegallegos@state.or.us

Chris Garrett (D-Lake Oswego)  rep.chrisgarrett@state.or.us

Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis)  rep.saragelser@state.or.us

Vic Gilliam (R-Silverton)  rep.vicgilliam@state.or.us

David Gomberg (D-Lincoln City)  rep.davidgomberg@state.or.us

Chris Gorsek (D-Troutdale)  rep.chrisgorsek@state.or.us

Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland)  rep.mitchgreenlick@state.or.us

Bruce Hanna (R-Roseburg)  rep.brucehanna@state.or.us

Chris Harker (D-Beaverton)  rep.chrisharker@state.or.us

Wally Hicks (R-Grants Pass)  rep.wallyhicks@state.or.us

Paul Holvey (D-Eugene)  rep.paulholvey@state.or.us

Val Hoyle (D-Eugene)  rep.valhoyle@state.or.us

John Huffman (R-The Dalles)  rep.johnhuffman@state.or.us

Bob Jenson (R-Pendleton)  rep.bobjenson@state.or.us

Mark Johnson (R-Hood River)  rep.markjohnson@state.or.us

Bill Kennemer (R-Oregon City)  rep.billkennemer@state.or.us

Alissa Keny-Guyer (D-Portland)  rep.alissakenyguyer@state.or.us

Betty Komp (D-Woodburn)  rep.bettykomp@state.or.us

Tina Kotek (D-Portland)  rep.tinakotek@state.or.us

Wayne Krieger (R-Gold Beach)  rep.waynekrieger@state.or.us

John Lively (D-Springfield)  rep.johnlively@state.or.us

Greg Matthews (D-Gresham)  rep.gregmatthews@state.or.us

Caddy McKeown (D-Coos Bay)  rep.caddymckeown@state.or.us

Mike McLane (R-Medford)  rep.mikemclane@state.or.us

Nancy Nathanson (D-Eugene)  rep.nancynathanson@state.or.us

Andy Olson (R-Albany)  rep.andyolson@state.or.us

Julie Parrish (R-Tualatin)  rep.julieparrish@state.or.us

Tobias Read (D-Beaverton)  rep.tobiasread@state.or.us

Jeff Reardon (D-Portland)  rep.jeffreardon@state.or.us

Dennis Richardson (R-Central Point)  rep.dennisrichardson@state.or.us

Greg Smith (R-Heppner)  rep.gregsmith@state.or.us

Sherrie Sprenger (R-Scio)  rep.sherriesprenger@state.or.us

Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer)  rep.kimthatcher@state.or.us

Jim Thompson (R-Dallas)  rep.jimthompson@state.or.us

Carolyn Tomei (D-Milwaukie)  rep.carolyntomei@state.or.us

Ben Unger (D-Hillsboro)  rep.benunger@state.or.us

Jessica Vega Pederson (D-Portland)  rep.jessicavegapederson@state.or.us

Jim Weidner (R-McMinnville)  rep.jimweidner@state.or.us

Gene Whisnant (R-Sunriver)  rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us

Gail Whitsett (R-Klamath Falls)  rep.gailwhitsett@state.or.us

Jennifer Williamson (D-Portland)  rep.jenniferwilliamson@state.or.us

Brad Witt (D-Clatskanie)  rep.bradwitt@state.or.us

United States Senators information – http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

United States House of Representatives information –


The best letters are courteous, to the point, and include specific supporting examples.

Addressing Members of Congress

To Your Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

To Your Representative:


The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:


The above addresses should be used in email messages, as well as those sent through the Postal Service.

Here are some key things you should always and never do in writing to your elected representatives.

  1. Be courteous and respectful without "gushing."
  2. Clearly and simply state the purpose of your letter. If it's about a certain bill, identify it correctly. If you need help in finding the number of a bill, use the Thomas Legislative Information System.
  3. Say who you are. Anonymous letters go nowhere. Even in email, include your correct name, address, phone number and email address. If you don't include at least your name and address, you will not get a response.
  4. State any professional credentials or personal experience you may have, especially those pertaining to the subject of your letter.
  5. Keep your letter short — one page is best.
  6. Use specific examples or evidence to support your position.
  7. State what it is you want done or recommend a course of action.
  8. Thank the member for taking the time to read your letter.


  1. Use vulgarity, profanity, or threats. The first two are just plain rude and the third one can get you a visit from the Secret Service. Simply stated, don't let your passion get in the way of making your point,
  2. Fail to include your name and address, even in email letters.
  3. Demand a response.

Identifying Legislation

Cite these legislation identifiers when writing to members of Congress:

House Bills: "H.R._____"
House Resolutions: "H.RES._____"
House Joint Resolutions: "H.J.RES._____"
Senate Bills: "S._____"
Senate Resolutions: "S.RES._____"
Senate Joint Resolutions: "S.J.RES._____"

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